Intra-automation流量计 所有型号

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    德国 Intra-Automation股份有限公司成立于30多年前,业务重点在于流体,压力和液位的控制和测量。今天,Intra的产品销往全世界超过55个国家,广泛应用于化学品、医药品、石油、天然气部门、造船、机械、厂房建设、食品工业、水处理及环境工程等领域。Intra-Automation的产品范围包括**计量和调控装置,温度高达400℃  ,压力范围高达PN320以及差压测量仪器高达1200°C和高达PN400。持续质量管理根据DINEN ISO 9001认证:2000年和频繁重建我们的产品**的一个公认的质量和可靠性以及重复性参数的所有产品。
  德国Intra-Automation公司的产品主要有:Intra-Automation  Itabar均速管流量计、Intra-Automation  IS200  超声波流量计、Intra-Automation  ITA磁性浮子液位计、Intra-Automation楔式流量计、Intra-Automation  V型锥流量计、Intra-Automation涡街流量计、Intra-Automation电接点液位计和Intra-Automation电极开关、Intra-Automation储灌液位计和Intra-Automation液位开关、Intra-Automation麦格林磁性储灌液位计、Intra-Automation透射式玻璃板液位计、Intra-Automation玻璃管液位计、Intra-Automation反射式玻璃板液位计、Intra-Automation伴热型玻璃板液位计、Intra-Automation带照明灯玻璃板液位计、Intra-Automation汽包双色玻璃板液位计、Intra-Automation磁致伸缩液位变送器、Intra-Automation导波雷达液位变送器。Intra-Automation公司历史悠久、产品性能良好,产品品种齐全,收到广大顾客的良好赞誉,如您有意购买,欢迎来电洽谈!

  • ITABAR Pitot Tube

    The measuring principle of a Pitot Tube is based on the theory of differential pressure.
    A simple, though effective measurement method, combining low installation and operation costs with great reliability, for Gas, Liquid and Steam Flow monitoring.
    The process connection can be threaded or flanged.
    Intra Automation offers the choice of different sensors, depending on line size and flow.
    The WinFlow calculation software is applied in the determination of the sensor size.

  • Ultrasonic Series

    The IntraSonic IS200 is a flowmeter for measuring the flow of volume in a piping system. Its working principle is the measurement of transit time differentials.

    The special feature of this system is installation under operating conditions. Further option are temperature inputs for energy calculations.

  • Orifice Assemblies

    Orifice plates are used for flow rate measuring in pipe systems. With orifice plates a pressure drop is created. Based on the value of the pressure drop the flow rate can be calculated. Orifice plates are produced in accordance with ISO 5167.

    All the above items are available in C.S., SUS, PTFE, PVC etc. Others are available on request on customers.

    More information on request.

  • Venturi Tubes

    Whenever pressure loss is an issue, Venturi Tubes are a good alternative to Orifice Assemblies and Flow Nozzles.
    The main advantages of Venturi Tubes are the combination of low pressure loss, high reliability and good protection against catching sludges.

  • Flow Nozzles

    Flow Nozzles are an alternative to orifice plates whenever it comes to the measurement of high speed flows.
    Its unique design features gives an exceptional strength, allowing a 60% higher flow rate.

  • Sight Glasses

    The Sight Glass is designed to visually monitor volume flows.

  • Cone Flowmeter

    The new concept of flow measurement by differential pressure theory it eliminates weak points by orifice plate & Vortex FlowMeter.

  • Wedge tube

    Suitable for a wide reynolds range of flow measurement, for measuring clean and non-clean fluids such as slurries fluids.




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